Information Technology
( IT ) Committee
IT Committee
Mission Statement: To ensure we provide information technology support to the Chapter’s membership and organization. The Technology Committee will promote the use of technology to increase efficiency of the Chapter membership and to support teaching and enhance members learning. Make recommendations concerning acquisition, implementation, maintenance, and upgrading of technologies. Automate work to reduce cost and improve efficiency and productivity. Use technology to reduce risk and improve things such as customer and organizational experiences.
Goal: Increase membership technology experiences and support the organization to increase productivity by using technology. Use technology to increase performance and productivity by developing a more efficient way of collecting, storing data in a centralized location, and obtaining information via a database application and reporting system which would provide better processing of information, secure information, and increased reporting turnaround times.
Provide necessary technology training
Work with the Chapter Webmaster on a as need basis
Plan and/or host guest with technology knowledge to provide training to the Chapter’s membership
Maintain the Membership Application Database Reporting System
Maintain and/or oversee the Chapter’s laptops, hardware, and software updates
Provide user support & training on the Chapter’s Membership Application Database Reporting System
Develop and/or obtain technology documentation
When applicable, Analysis and design application systems and reporting
Work with System Developer and/or other technology personnel to meet the goals and objectives of the organization
From L-R: Rose Hobson, Co-Chair, Linda Bright, Chair, and Sharon Calhoun. Not Pictured: Patricia Harrison, Barbara Johnson, Michael Jordan, Web Administrator